  영상의학과 (Radiology)
  각 과 교과서 할인

[Chest]Specialty Imaging: Thoracic Neoplasms, 1e
정가  300,000원
판매가격  270,000
ISBN   9780323377065
출판사  Amirsys
저자  Rosado
발행일  2015.11

Part of the highly regarded Specialty Imaging series, this unique title by Dr. Melissa L. Rosado-de-Christenson clearly presents the imaging features of all thoracic neoplasms (including those affecting the cardiovascular system) as well as staging of malignancies and patterns of metastatic spread in a single, convenient volume. An easy-to-read bulleted format and state-of-the-art imaging examples guide you step by step through every aspect of the field, including invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. This book is an ideal resource for radiologists, pulmonary medicine physicians, thoracic surgeons, thoracic oncologists, and radiation oncologists - anyone who must distinguish lung cancer and thoracic metastases from less common malignant and benign neoplasms.

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